Have Painless Lump Above Hip Joint. What Could This Be?
Thanks for your query.
Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have soft ,painless lump above left hip joint.I shall be happy if you provide few more details to help me to make comments on your problem.
1) Since how log this lump has been there ?
2) What is the consistency of the lump ? Hard or Soft ?
3) Is the size of the lump same over a long period or Have you noticed any sudden increase in the size of the lump?
Mostly it looks like a benign tumour arising from soft tissue (Lipoma ,Fibroma,Neurofibroma)
However final diagnosis can be confirmed only on clinical examination and excision biopsy of the lump.
Please consult qualified general Surgeon for evaluation and surgery to get it removed.
Hope I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.
Thanks for feedback. Most likely it is a lipoma. Get it excised as per your convenience. It is a simple surgery generally carried out under local anesthesia as an out-patient department procedure.
Thanks and Regards.