Have Pericarditis. Tests Showing Low Risk. Having Pain. Is It Safe To Travel In This Condition?
Hi and welcome to XXXXXXX
Detailed Answer:
i suppose this was acute viral pericarditis without pericardial fluid accumulation because if there was bacterial pericarditis or cardiac tamponade,you would be still in hospital.
If those tests were fine then the recovery from this your type of pericarditis is usually rapid and you should not be worried about it.
Also, short travelling(less than 4 hours) through la manche wont cause any problem and you there is no risk for your heart function. Only longer airplane travelling may be problematic in your case.
The depth of tunnel has no any or just minor effect on cardiovascular system and blood pressure and even if it does,this is not something that can cause worsening of symptoms or recurence of this disease. Just rest in next several days, avoid running and weight lifting and visit doctor if you notice chest pain again.
WIsh you good health. Feel free to ask. Regards
Detailed Answer:
Well, one cup of coffee is not some dosage of caffeine that will cause some significant elevation of HR. But try to have just one per day and dont take it on empty stomach.Also,remember that most teas and energy drinks have caffeine too so avoid it if you drink coffee that day.
Enjoy in Paris.