Have Twinge Feeling In Ear. Take Metformin And Orlistat For Polycistic Ovaries. Due To Blocked Tubes?
Every now and again i get a twinge in my right ear and if i have a feel around the twingey feeling runs down the side of my face. It only happens every few days, sometimes longer, sometimes more often. With the i also get a funny feeling / taste in the back of my throat.
I think it could be something to do with my sinitus or some sort of blocked tubes?
Could you please give me anyy advice on how to help? Its not painful, just annoying!
I take metformin and orlistat for polycistic overies and occasionally take lanzaprozole for bad acid reflux.
Im not sure whethe my acid reflux may also be part of why my throat sometimes feels funny
Thank you for your query.
1. The twingy feeling that you get in your ear may be due to eustachian tube blockage. This will show up on a Tympanogram (Impedance Audiometry).
2. The twingy feeling running XXXXXXX the face is due to Trigeminal Nerve (Fifth Cranial Nerve) stimulation.
3. The funny feeling/taste at the back of the throat may be due to a post Nasal Drip (PND) or Acid reflux.
4. You may take a trial of regular steam inhalation and an anti-allergic decongestanat to reduce any PND (which you have correctly attributed to sinusitis and which may worsen an acid reflux). For reducing acid reflux you may ask your doctor to add a prokinetic such as levosulpiride.
5. The sensation of the back of the throat is via the Glossopharyngeal (Ninth Cranial Nerve) and Vagus (Tenth Cranial Nerve).
6. If your symptoms are mild, this should suffice. If they persist, then a Plain CT PNS (Para Nasal Sinuses) and a Video Laryngoscopy may be done. If these show signs of sinusitis or acid reflux, these can be treated further.
7. If all these investigations are normal, you may require a flexible OGD Scopy (oesophago-gastro deuodenoscopy).
8. The possibility of a drug induced side effect should always be kept in mind.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.