Having Burning Sensation In Ear And Throat. Hurts While Swallowing. How To Overcome This?
Thanks for writing to us,
Based on your description, I think you may be suffering from a chronic inflammation of the ear. Ear pathology most often tend to radiate to the throat due to presence of eustachian tube (a communicating channel) and due to sharing of nerve supply.
Careful probing of the cause through proper examination of the ear and throat will help us identifying the pathology. You may need culture studies to isolate any causative organisms if any. culture results in the identification of the organism underneath the symptoms.
Since the symptoms are going on for several months, I am concerned. Therefore I urge you to see a qualified ENT surgeon for the aforementioned test. You may need a brief course of antibiotic drugs. Use of right antibiotic (determined by culture and sensitivity report) should resolve this issue in all probabilities. However surgical treatment may be needed in rare cases especially if a chronic pathology is found.
Hope this answers your query. Let me know if you have further questions,
Would a chronic ear infection travel from ear to ear, go under the jaw line and into the throat and burn in each of those places it travels to?
Welcome back.
No, infection of one ear very rarely affect the other ears since there is no direct connection between them. But ear infection can travel to throat through the eustachian tube and cause burning sensation over there along with jaw line pain due to the sharing of similar nerve supply (responsible for pain when stimulated).
Let me know if you have further questions,
Take care and Regards,