Having Ganglion Cyst On Wrist. Getting Pain. Proper Treatment?
I have a cyst on the back of my left wrist. The very first time it showed up I had no problems with it. It have now returned and has gotten to the point that it is very uncomfortable. Both my arm and hand aches non stop. I need to know what to do in this stage of what its doin now. please help.
I don't know what else I should do other than what I'm doin now. witch is waring an wrist brace and taking ibprophern
Ganglion cyst are one of the common masses that can form in the subcutaneous tissue, it tends to prefer the joints or the sheaths of tendons.The exact reason for formation is not known but there are at least 3 theories.
Many persons with these can present as you have, history of being completely with no symptoms to pain and limitation of activity.
Treatment varies according to the degree of symptoms that are experienced.
Normally when they are associated with pain, limitation of movement and in some persons issues related to compression of nerves,then surgical removal is treatment of choice. Surgery can be done with an open incision or through a the insertion of a scope in arthroscopy (insertion of a small scope through a 1 to 2 cm incision).
Other forms of treatment compression of the cyst by a doctor till it bursts or aspiration.Some doctors may inject steroids when aspirating the cyst. Both of these are associated with a lower cure rate.
If these are not an option for you then you would need to use stronger analgesia either by increasing the ibuprofen dose for 24 to 48 hrs or using stronger antiinflammatory medication such as celebrex. In addition rest, the use of cold pads may be helpful.These would not cure it but result in a decrease in the pain,
You may need to , if possible, visit your doctor for the prescription of a stronger pain medication and to discuss the other more effective treatment options.
I hope this helps, please feel free to ask any other questions