Having Hand Tremors And Stomach Pain. Taking Zofram And Fentgram. Help
You seem to have multitude of problems but gastroparesis might be bothering you too much.
Do you have difficulty swallowing or pain on swallowing? Do you prefer to eat small chunk of meal? Do you use water while swallowing?
people suffering from Gastroparesis would not clear the stomach and duodenum swiftly. They oesophagus would move very slowly and thus the food bolus would slowly. Did you try medicines that increase the motility of the intestine? Please ask your doctor about Itopiride?
Are you given oral steroids for Rheumatoid arthritis? Long term use can cause ulcers the stomach and rejection of food. Was an endoscopy done to check these ulcers?
I am sure a carefully listening Gastroenterologist will be able to guide you better. He can put a scope and check if there are ulcers down there. What kind of food helps in faster emptying and what kind of medicine helps in moving the oesophagus and stomach faster.