Having Headache, Dizzy Spells, Nausea And Upset Stomach. HPT Negative. What Am I Suffering From?
There are different potential causes for headaches. The most common causes for headaches are the following: (1) migraines
(2) tension headaches
(3) sinus headaches
(4) cluster headaches
(5) headaches can also occur as part of viral illnesses
Migraines are diagnosed if a person has 5 or more episodes of headaches lasting 4 to 72 hrs. In addition the headache must have 2 of the following characteristics: one sided, throbbing, moderate
to severe and worse when trying to do normal activity. It can either be associated with nausea and vomiting like you described or worse with noise and light.
Some persons may experience additional symptoms such as the dizziness you are experiencing.
The other causes of headache such as tension headache, sinus headache, cluster headache are not usually associated with nausea.
Headache in association with viral illnesses may sometimes be associated with the other symptoms.
You may want consider visiting your doctor for an evaluation .
Treatment involves the use of pain medication such nsaids ( ibuprofen, aspirin) and migraine specific medication such as sumitriptan, zolmitriptan, electriptan, rizatriptan.
I hope this helps
Please feel free to ask any other questions