Having Itching Inside Penis And Constant Stomach Upset. What Can Be Done?
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Itching inside your penis may be due to various reasons. You had not mentioned about your sexual activities. I hope you are married. Do your wife had any problem around her genitals or discharge? Stomach upset has no relation to the itching of penis. (Age 1980?)
Commonly an yeast infection of the glans penis may be likely to cause itching. You mentioned about taking some antibiotics.Prolonged antibiotics may likely to predispose yeast infection. Your sex partner has to be examined for yeast infection and has to be treated. Abstinence from sex during treatment is an absolute one.
Diabetes Mallitus has to be ruled out. If you had Diabetes it has to be controlled.
In Genital herpes infection one can have itching as a prodromal symptom.
Genital Scabies and pubic louse infestation may be likely to cause itching.
A tight prepuce or phimosis would likely be a reason for itching of penis as we are not able to clean it properly.
If you provide more information about your sexual activity, sex partner, Diabetes, we will be able to discuss more.
Get well soon.
DR S.Murugan
Welcome back.
Most often women may not have external manifestation, but may have some hidden infection due to their anatomical nature. That can be detected by local examination by a physician and vaginal smear examination in a reputed laboratory. A gynecologist or a STI specialist can guide you better.
If you have frequency in bowel habits and problem in urination, your urine and motion has to be examined in a medical laboratory under guidance of a physician and get treated according to the outcome. Some other surgical condition like colitis, symptoms.
Dr S.Murugan