Having Knee Pain. X-ray Showed Mild Wear And Tear And Bit Of Arthritis. Took Tynelol And Aleve Plus. No Sleep. Pulsing Pain. Suggest?
Knee brace will help during travelling.
Detailed Answer:
I have studied your case.
According to your symptoms and findings there is osteoarthritis of your knee.
As you want relief for your vacation you can use hinged knee brace for support so that your journey becomes comfortable. Continue medication prescribed to you.
You can start cartilage protecting medication like chondritin sulphate, that you need to take for couple of months.
If required MRI knee can be done and if there is severe destruction of menisci then arthroscopic shaving can be done.
Physiotherapy like ultrasound and tens will help, along with knee exercises.
Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries.
Wishing you good health.
Take care