Brief Answer:
Eardrum examination, HRCT Temporal Bones, IV meds
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
Acute Mastoiditis can be treated with antibiotics. Bone has a poor blood supply (hence deep seated bone infections are difficult to treat) and she is allergic to several antibiotics, besides she may have a resistant infection. She will require IV (Intra Venous) medication.
2. If there is
cellulitis or an infection behind the sternocleidomastoid (Bezold's Abscess), it may require surgical drainage if it does not respond to antibiotics or if there is a collection of pus.
3. An HRCT (
High Resolution CT) Scan of the Temporal Bones will help differentiate these conditions and also show any spread of the infection beyond the mastoid bone. If you can upload the images, I will be able to give you an accurate assessment. Mastoid X-rays (Schuller's view) would be of limited value here.
4. Request your ENT to get an endoscopic image of the ear drums. This will help the assessment.
5. Complications include the spread of infection beyond the mastoid air cells. Look for pain, fever, swelling behind the ear, decreased hearing, discharge form the ear, vomiting,
dizziness, facial or eye
paralysis, neck
stiffness and altered sensorium.
6. She has a history of
Eustachian tube Dysfunction (ETD) and ear tubes in the past. She may have adenoid tissue causing the ETD. Does she snore at night or have mouth breathing?
I hope that I have answered your query. if you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.
Note: Consult an experienced Otolaryngologist / ENT Specialist online for further follow up on ear, nose, and throat issues -
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