Having Numbness And Tingling In Finger, No Colour Change. Reason?
Numbness and tingling may be due to nerve involvement. This may be due to many causes but more frequently due to any blunt trauma to the nerve anywhere in its course, entrapment of nerve, vitamin deficiency or secondarily due to diabetes. These are reversible and no need to worry. Kindly check whether all the movements of your fingers are normal, since in later stages of nerve involvement can also cause restriction of movements.
Since there is no color change or no signs of inflammation we can rule of any infection and also problem in vascular supply. You can get done one nerve conduction test to check any conduction deficit.
Do regular exercises for your fingers and hand, can take multivitamin tablets and pregabalin. Get done your blood glucose level also.
Have plenty of fluids with nutritious diet (rich in fruits and vegetables) with required calorie and regular outdoor exercises. Hope I answered your question. Consult your doctor for further management.
Feel free to ask me if you have any further queries or doubts and I shall be glad to help you out. Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Wish you good health. Take care.
Dr. Vidya KR