Having On And Off Swelling And Pain In Shoulder And Hands. On Antibiotic. Concerned
Thanks for posting your query.
A swelling in the hand and shoulder can cause supraclavicular lymph node swelling. Such swellings are due to local infections and once the infection is controlled, the lymph node swelling subsides.
The flaring up of pain after drinking alcohol is suggestive of a pain due to neural cause. Such symptoms are usually relieved on stopping alcohol and taking vitamin B 12 supplements.
These neural pains are a challenging thing to treat as careful examination is needed to ascertain the level of nerve involvement. You can take some anti-inflammatory pain killer like acetaminophen till you consult your neurophysician.
I hope this answers your query.
In case you have additional questions or doubts, you can forward them to me, and I shall be glad to help you out.
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Wishing you good health.
Dr. Praveen Tayal.
Thanks for writing again.
Your symptoms are more likely to be due to an inflammatory cause. An MRI scan of shoulder will help in detecting the pathology. Lymphoma is not likely.
Hope my answer is helpful.
Do accept my answer in case there are no further queries.
Lymph node swellings are often persistent even after the infection has subsided or may be due to a minor viral infection. A detailed examination and investigations are needed to know the cause.
You also need to self examine the breast for the presence of any lumps in the area.
Take care.