Having Pain And Soreness In Neck And Shoulder. Feeling Anxiety And Chest Discomfort. Feel Needles And Numbness In Hand And Shoulders. Cure?
Thanks for writing in.
It could be a muscle sprain in the neck, but then again , that wouldn't explain the pins and needle sensation.
Sometimes anxiety and other stressful situations can present with the symptoms you are experiencing. So , if you feel stress is the cause, I would suggest you to do yoga/relaxation exercises.
Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
Take a tylenol/paracetamol for pain relief.
Apply a thin film of diclofenac gel like volini on the affected neck and shoulder. Do not rub or massage the area with the gel. 20 minutes later apply hot fomentation or hot water bag to the affected area intermittently for 10 -15 minutes.
A soft cervical collar might help for a couple of days.
If these measures do not work, and if your abnormal chest sensations or numbness in right hand persists,please visit your physician immediately who might examine you and then order for other tests and cervical spine X -Ray to rule out other causes.
Hope this helps.
Dr. Divya Kuttikrishnan