Having Pain In Back Below Shoulder Blades. How To Get Rid Of This Feeling?
Thanks for the query.
The possible causes for your pain are,
-gastritis with regurgitation of food sometimes there may be presence of hiatus hernia means protrusion of part of stomach into chest through diaphragm, it can cause gastro esophageal reflux, heart burn and pain between the shoulders, it can create a symptom as you told ‘it feels like I swallowed something and it's stuck there’.
-abnormal posture at work like bending forward while sitting with out support to back, driving for long periods, holding shoulder bag like laptop bag, sleeping in lateral position, lifting weights by tightening chest muscles without balancing back muscles etc,
-sometimes musculo skeletal problems like sub scapular injury or fractured scapula etc can also cause this type of pain,
-rarely angina etc can also present with pain in between shoulders.
So you better once consult physician and undergo general examination which will possibly give clue regarding the cause for your problem then according to that specific investigations can be planned.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries. If you are satisfied with all my answer, please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.