Having Regular Period. Reason For Flatulence, Lower Abdominal Pain, Headache And Sleep Problem?
hi im a 32 year old female and i always have a regular period lasting 4-5 days but this month it lasted just over 24hours??? i also didn't get the usual pre menstrual symptoms like tender breasts or abdominal pain. since though i have had lower abdominal pain and more flatulance than what is normal for myself, i have also been having very restless nights sleep so by about 4 in the afternoon i am very fatigued coupled with a dull aching headache in my forehead..please shed some light? :)
Thanks for the query,
I have noted all your complaints.
Though there are so many causes of headache, I feel that you may have tension headache. Your sleep problem can also be related to stress. Based upon the symptoms that you have posted, I do not see any major organic nature of the problem. The headache and sleep related problem will improve with rest, relaxation and if required simple analgesics.
Back to your menstrual irregularity, I feel that some cycles can come the way you have described. This should not make you worried. If you have persistent menstrual irregularities, you may consult a specialist locally.
As of now, I think that you should just relax and you do not need any urgent medical evaluation.
I hope that I have clarified your query.
In case any further doubts, please feel free and get back to me.
All the best