Having Seizures. Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder. Having Migraines And Dizziness. Have Blurred Vision. What To Do?
Thanks for writing in.
I have read your question in detail and observe that you first had seizure a two years back. Earlier you have been diagnosed to be suffering from Bipolar disorder for years. Hence your seizures were thought to be a result of your bipolar problem. Now, the seizures have become almost a daily occurrence and this is your present concern.
You also complain about your dizziness, migraines, inability to walk straight, blurred vision and restless leg syndrome.
You are having some sort of problem which may be neurological and psychiatric in nature and could be due to the bipolar problem and also the treatment received for it over the years.
I would like to know in detail about the onset of you bipolar problem, the medications taken for so many years and their dosages. I would also like to know if you had any CT scan or MRI scan of your brain and reports. Nay EEG investigation reports also would be helpful
I would also like to know about your previous consultations with psychiatrists and therapy sessions undergone in detail. Please also share any important life events in the recent past that may have led to the increase in seizures.
All information provided with you will remain confidential.
Waiting to hear from you with an update.
Dr A. Rao Kavoor
Any suggestions that you may have, recommendations, and I know you are in a tight spot not being my doctor in person and all and I believe my doctors are trying but are not finding the solution. I am searching myself for answers but I am not a doctor, and am right now not well or in a good frame of mind. I don’t wish for sympathy because I am in fact lucky, God watches over me and keeps me alive and I have family to care for me but on the other side, my dreams and everything that I have worked so hard for, has been taken away. I would love to have my life back- but not at just any cost. I’ll suffer before someone else, but if you have any suggestions, or even a dr. you could recommend me to, I would greatly appreciate it. Oh- I have had a CT and EEG- both normal.
Thank You, XXXXX
Thanks for writing back with the elaborate history,
From your history I gather, you developed depression at the age of 15 and were treated with antidepressants which worsened with drugs. This was followed by suicide attempt and hospitalization, self-medicated yourself thereafter till the age of 24 when you were diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Maintained well on lamotrigine (?dosage), ziprasidone and lorazepam. This worked for few years but there was a breakthrough psychotic episode while on medication then hospitalized. Then onward doctors have been trying to optimize your dosage and switch to other drugs because of poor response. Paliperidone (invega) was used in the hospital that did not suit you. You have been taking lamotrigine, ziprasidone and venlafaxine consistently. You then developed tardive dyskinesia and then seizures for which you had to go off the antipsychotic ziprasidone and are still having symptoms of hearing things.
I would try and give you some of the options that you have for your problems. T.D is a commonly encountered side effect with antipsychotic drugs, which is comparatively less with newer drugs (like ziprasidone) but nonetheless still a problem. If there are any anticholinergic drugs like trihexyphenidyl in your regimen that you may not have mentioned then it is advisable to stop it. Dose reduction is tried and agents that are less likely to cause TD are used like clozapine, quetiapine and olanzapine. There are additional agents like tetrabenazine that can be tried. Benzodiapines like clonazepam and diazepam are used as well, but mostly intermittently to avoid tolerance. Few have been shown to benefit from vitamin E as well, but this is not yet conclusive. Rarely some patients have shown improvement on amino acids, botulinum toxin, pyridoxine, melatonin and a few others. These have been tried in patients and have benefitted few patients. Some of this treatment, we have limitations trying it on you because of the risk of seizures (like clozapine) while benzodiazepines (diazepam) in your case will benefit both TD and seizures.
Coming to seizures, antipsychotics can reduce the threshold of seizures in patients and hence induce them. It is not a very commonly seen side effect but is encountered. There are a few antipsychotics that have been found to have a low seizure inducing potential like molindone, haloperidol, fluphenazine, pimozide and trifluoperazine. But these are older antipsychotics and carry a risk of TD. An option for this is adding an anticonvulsant in your regimen to control the seizures. You are already on one- lamotrigine, but since it is not controlling your seizures it would be worth optimizing its dosage or trying others like sodium valproate. This is assuming that the seizures are ONLY caused by the antipsychotic drugs. There may be various causes of seizures. It may be worth investigating it in detail once to rule out all other possible causes. MRI brain is a very useful tool for this. The other option one has is electroconvulsive therapy which has shown very good results in many and is explored when medications pose such side effects and make it difficult to use. It may carry some stigma with it from what we hear or see in the media but it does wonders to many patients. There are newer options like rTMS or transcranial magnetic stimulation that do not require any anesthesia and are completely painless.
Venlafaxine also rarely causes both TD and seizures; we also need to make sure that this drug is not the culprit.
Regarding the initial part where you said psychiatry and medicines left a bad taste in your parents’ mouth, I would like to say that depression in young can take various courses and the treatment usually varies with each. Sometimes what looks like a depressive disorder turns out to be bipolar disorder and it may get difficult for the psychiatrist to tell beforehand what it may end up being. There are subtle signs but none of them are confirmatory. And in such cases a mood stabilizer (like lamotrigine in your case) helps more than an antidepressant. Nevertheless, now what we need to do is find a suitable combination of drugs for you and that takes some trial by the doctors. Since these drugs take time to act, as hard as it may seem, I’m sure patience will yield to be beneficial for you. What you have been going through is understandably hard and you have been very brave. It is also commendable that you have such great insight into your illness, not all patients we encounter have this much information about their illness. Keep up the good job and I am sure things will work out well soon.
Discuss this with your psychiatrist and explore the options that you have.
I hope this answers your question,
Write back in case of any doubts,
Dr. A. Rao. Kavoor.