Having Severe Pain In Groin Area And Bruise Appeared. Diagnosed With Fibromyalgia. Any Suggestion?
Thanks for using the XXXXXXX I am happy to address your questions, a groin pull or tear is an injury to the muscles of the inner thigh. The groin muscles, called the "adductor muscle" group, consists of six muscles that span the distance from the inner pelvis to the inner part of the femur (thigh bone). These muscles pull the legs together, and also help with other movements of the hip joint. Groin tears are usually graded, as per your concern it seems grade II with moderate discomfort, causing limited ability to perform activities and have moderate swelling and bruising associated. Resting is the key to successful treatment. As a general rule of thumb, if you have a groin tear, you can do activities that don't aggravate your injury. A tear in the muscle usually occurs when sprinting, changing direction or in rapid movements of the leg against resistance such as karate kick (as for you). This is especially likely if a thorough warm-up has not been undertaken first! Repetitive overuse of the groin muscles may result in adductor tendinopathy. Apply R.I.C.E.therapy (i.e Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) immediately, use crutches if needed. Will recommend you to kindly see a sports injury professional who can advise on rehabilitation of the injury with exercises and stretches which can help control the movements of the hip and pelvis, and hopefully prevent many groin bruises. Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help. Thanks