Having Sudden Pain In Lower Abdomen. What Is Causing This?
Don't have any problems while eating / drinking etc.
Nothing else seems abnormal. No fever, nausea etc. Nothing.
I see you are 25 years young. I am not sure if you are into
physical activities such as lifting weights etc.
Left lower quadrant pain just above the groin is where
hernias can show up. Especially with a little straining
or coughing, if you put your hand over that area where
you experience the pain, see if you feel a bulge or see one.
If that is present, more than likely you have a hernia or a
small rupture. There will be a defect in the abdominal wall
lining and through that opening, part of your intestine
protrudes and retracts depending on the activity. If that
stays bulged and you are not able to push it back then
it is more serious. If it goes back in but keeps coming back,
you still need to see a surgeon. Condition is called Inguinal
Hernia, either complete or incomplete. The doctor can
diagnose it easily by examination.
The only other thing I can think of , may be pulled muscle
or a pinched nerve that might have happened during
some physical activity.
With no systemic symptoms like fever, nausea or vomiting
I don't suspect anything serious.
Occasinally trapped gas in that area could give you pain but
you should get relief after expelling gas.
Have your doctor examine you.
Wish you well.
I am young but of lately, I am not into any strenuous physical activities. Unfortunately my lifestyle is such that I am barely away from my seat, and whenever I am away from seat I would be in most probability sleeping. Nor did have any cold recently and therefore no coughing. Can the hernia / small rupture be caused without any such activity too?
Just to be sure, by left I mean towards my Left hand. Moreover, I don't have any bulge, can't see it, can't feel it. But I can feel pain if I press on that area. Also, once I have pressed it forcibly enough, the pain is now a bit of more severe. If I see a doctor, should I be looking for some specialist or a general physician?
Its more than a day since I am experiencing this pain, and was able to expel the gas effectively so gas the gas thing looks unlikely.
It is possible to have a hernia and not have any symptoms.
From what you tell me, you have not done anything very
strenuos to make the hernia more symptomatic.
You have already eliminated gas as a cause of pain.
A surgeon or even a general practitioner (GP) can easily
check and rule out if you have this.
The doctor has to check from below through the scrotum
with a finger and have you cough to see if they can feel
a bulge. That is the only way to find out.
Hope this answers your concerns.
Wish you well.