Having Uneasiness Feeling And Pain In Rib Cage. Blood Test And Sonography Normal. Feeling Heavy Stomach. Help?
From many months i am getting this uneasiness feeling below my right rib cage. Have done sonography test so many time all r normal. Have done Blood test, ESR test, Liver test few months back all r normal. I had abdominal tuberculosis so was under medicines for 2 years. Becaz when i was infected with tuberculosis in 2010 i was under high dose of medicines, so my health started improving but later in the mid of 2011 i got left psoas abscess, which after diagnosis was the TB infections only so ha d to continue with the medicies for 2 years. So in Aug 2012 after getting all the report like MRI, Sonograoghy of abdominal my medicines were stopped.
But after few months i started getting this uneasiness feeling below my right rib cage..its not pain but uneasiness only. I did so many sonography all r normal...Blood test all were normal..ESR also normal... But still the uneasiness continues. My stool is also ok... I go twice a day... Sometimes its sticky but not hard at all..I feel heavy stomach all the time.. MyPls help... My stomach has become huge compared to my body....
Thanks for the query.
Uneasiness below right rib cage is generally brought about by gall bldder inflammation,liver inflammations either alcoholic or non alcoholic,fatty liver,gastritis,GERD etc
Since you have got sonography done,it rules out liver and gallbladder inflammation.
But sonography doesn't reveal anything about gastritis,GERD,esophagitis etc
If you feel that you suffer from frequent acidity,dyspepsia,bloating,heaviness in abdomen,then you may be having gastritis or esophagitis or GERD ( acid reflux ). This could be due to use of alcohol or excessive use of pain killers etc.
If you are experiencing such symptoms,then You must consult a gastroenterologist and get an endoscopy and a possible MRI abdomen done to find the cause.
As far as your stomach getting huge is concerned,it may be due to deposition of belly fat,which generally takes place in people who are lethargic and sedentary and don't do any exercises and take excess of calories.
You must cut your calorie intake and must do regular exercises,as you are very young and so can do vigorous exercises to take care of your weight.
I hope it helps however ou may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck
I advised for MRI because you got it done in August last year and your current problems regarding heaviness in right rib cage are for past few months only.
I deally you should consult a gastroenterologist and then let him decide whether you require a MRI or not.
In my opinion,endoscopy is the most important investigations and should be done first.