Having White Patch On Foreskin Of Penis. It Is Spreading. How Do I Get Rid Of It?
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to XXXXXXX
I can understand your concern for the white patch over the penile area. It is really distressing for a man to have anything unusual on genital area. I will try to provide you the best of information regarding your query.
As I thoroughly looked the two pictures sent by you I can make the possibilities of two diagnoses in yourself:
1. Post inflammatory Hypo-pigmentation
2. Pre Vitiligo
To explain you both the conditions you should know that we have our skin divided into multiple layers. The most superficial layer is known as "epidermis". This layer contains the special cells known as "melanocytes" which produces color giving pigment known as "melanin".
In normal circumstances these secrete or produce the melanin pigment (the pigment because of which we have our own body color) according to its own normal capacity. But in certain situations, where there is some injury or inflammation is present then that area heals with this phenomenon of hypo (less) or hyper (high) pigmentation according to the activity of melanocytes.
Now in case of “Post inflammatory Hypo-pigmentation" melanocytes produce less color due to slight temporary damage to the skin. This temporary damage to the skin can be due to friction or slight trauma over this penile skin. It is a totally reversible condition and gets better without any medications or active interventions.
Now for the second condition of "Pre Vitiligo" is a problem where these melanocytes are damaged due to autoimmune process. This autoimmune process means our body starts secreting certain antibodies against these melanocytes and this result in low activity first resulting in "Pre Vitiligo".
This Pre Vitiligo is the precursor stage of vitiligo where complete white skin is present at that localized area.
Now both Pre Vitiligo and Vitiligo are again very simple and common conditions same like the Post inflammatory Hypo-pigmentation. The only difference is the kind of damage to melanocytes in all three.
This you can take as graying of hair where also there is damage to melanocytes leading to white hair. All of these are non contagious conditions. These do not have any correlation to any systemic disease or any other illness. And in future also these do not lead to any deformity or any problem through out life.
To differentiate between the two conditions (Pre Vitiligo and Post inflammatory Hypo-pigmentation) we need to examine the area closely by naked eye and by an instrument called Wood's lamp. So you need to visit a dermatologist near you at Bangalore for the best possibility.
If proven as Pre vitiligo then it can be very well treated by certain medications to be used to reduce the problem.
Over all to guide you finally you should not be worried about this condition as is totally simple and usual condition which we se in day to day life and are very well treatable conditions.
I hope these information's will help you. If you have further queries I will be happy to help.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
Welcome to the forum and thanks for your prompt reply.
As I said earlier there are many types of different medicines prescribed in this condition depending upon the close examination and the clinical level of hypopigmentation. So it would be difficult to prescribe you any medication on mail itself.
But to guide you further in my clinical settings I usually start with "Fluticasone" cream to be applied twice in day applied very thinly. If the response is not coming in 3-4 weeks then generally I combine it with "Tacrolimus" ointment. Any how whatever cream is prescribed by the doctor, you should apply it in a very thin layer so that it should not be visible by naked eye.
Finally you should not at all be worried about the problem as it is totally simple and usual condition and not going to harm any time in your life. Sometimes if the patient is not panicky about the situation then we also guide to not to take or apply any medications for it.
I hope I have addressed your query. If you have further queries I will be happy to help or else you can close the discussion and rate the answer.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases)