Hearing Loss. Treatment?
Hi, Thank you so much to this forum. My husband refuses to admit he has a
hearing problem. It is SO frustrating to constantly have to repeat everything 3 and 4 times. I realize that you aren't miracle workers, but I was wondering if you have any suggestions that might help getting my husband in for testing?
Thank you for your query.
1. Gradual progressive hearing loss is difficult to be aware of on our own.
2. He needs to undergo an ear examination by a local ENT Specialist to rule out common causes of hearing loss such as earwax buildup.
3. A PTA (Pure Tone Audiogram) or at least Tuning Fork Tests will help estimate the extent of hearing loss, if any. Further tests may be required depending upon the type of hearing loss.
4. Hearing loss may also be age related (Presbyacusis) similar to failing near vision commonly seen after the age of forty.
5. Within the hearing range there are certain speech frequencies. Lack of hearing in these particular frequencies, leads to loss of clarity of speech even though speech and environmental sounds are heard.
6. You may share his test results here for further advice.
I hope I have answered your query. If you have any follow up queries, I will be available to answer them.