hello and welcome to HCM,
hearing loss in your ear could be due to a multitude of causes:
1. Your previous surgery could have accelerated the hearing deterioration and caused the nerves to become weaker sooner. Though this is a rare cause of loss, but nevertheless is an important cause
2. You mentioned that you had ruptured drum? Then even the trauma or the insult which caused the drum to ruptured could have caused some degree of
shock to the nerve of the middle ear which over a decade has increased to this extent.
3. Your frequent cleaning of the ear could have again caused trauma to the drum and it would have healed in a inadequate way
4. Apart from these specific causes there are a million causes such as due to drug, infections, age, presbyacusis,
malnutrition, exposure to loud sounds,
head trauma and many times without any known cause.
if you are unable to hear much on that side then it is advisable to get a
hearing aid so that you can hear better and also to make sure that the loss does not worsen
take care of your ears
Dr Sriram Nathan