High Blood Pressure, Flu Shot, Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery. Causes ?
My first question for you is - are you sure this BP reading is accurate? Make sure you validate the reading on another cuff such as one at the local pharmacy.
If the blood pressure is still high (over 165 for the systolic) I think you should call your physician. In this type of case especially with a recent surgery I think a full examination and consultation is in order to make sure the valve is functioning properly and that any other causes of this jump of blood pressure including kidney dysfunction - are ruled out.
If at any time you experience chest pains, unrelenting headaches or shortness of breath please go to the nearest emergency room.
I thank you again for the query and hope my response proves to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga