Home Pregnancy Test Showed Positive. When Should I Go For First Ultrasound?
Thanks for writing to us.
Normally, the first antenatal visit, is advised in the first trimester of pregnancy - that is , in the first 12 weeks.
Based on the LMP, your wife would be around 8 weeks pregnant on the 5th of February. That is when you can safely proceed for the first ultrasound scan. By 8 weeks, normally, the complete embryo alongwith the heartbeat is visualized on ultrasound.
In case there are any risk factors - such as advanced maternal age, increased maternal weight, history of infertility, history of diseases like tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes, anemia, previous bad obstetric outcomes , chronic diseases running in the family, ominous signs such as lower abdominal pain, cramping, spotting or excessive vaginal discharge - then the first scan can be done earlier, that is, as early as 6 weeks, which would be anytime in the coming week.
For the first antenatal visit, consult a good obstetrician, have a transvaginal scan, and go for the routine work up advised - complete blood count, complete urine analysis, blood grouping and Rhesus factor, blood glucose levels, thyroid screening, thalessemia screening, viral markers, screening for any vaginal infections, bloodpressure and BMI calculations, complete examination of all bodily systems etc.
Take care and feel free to ask for further clarifications.
All the best and enjoy the pregnancy !!