How Can I Have A Ldl-p Of 2131, A Ldl-c Of 163 But Hdl-c Of 46?
When there is a high suspicion or possibility of greater cardiovascular risk according to your profile then the clinician orders LDL-P. LDL-P is a direct measure of the number of LDL particles in the blood. The lower the number is associated with fewer cardiovascular disease related events than equivalent low levels of LDL-C. When the LDL-C is already high more than 100mg/dl there is no need to order LDL-P. The reasons for high LDL-P are not totally known. You have a significant family history of diabetes. You have a high LDL-P score too which shows a higher incidence of cardiac related events. Others like HDL-C and TG are quite normal. I am not sure why this is ordered, if your clinician ordered it just to assess your cardiovascular risk, as it is costly and not readily available too.
LP - IR which is lipoprotein particule Insulin Resistance score. This assesses an individual’s insulin resistance level and diabetes chances in future. Since the LDL-P is high this is expected to be high (LP-IR <45 has minimal insulin resistance).
In summary with all these tests your doctor should wait to put you on statins (High LDL). It is advised for thorough lifestyle modifications.
Post me any more queries that I can answer for you or if I missed anything here.
The total cholesterol is high but not worrisome. You qualify for a prescription of statins with high CHL and high LDL-C. No doubt you would be having a healthy lifestyle but you cannot change the genetics which are highly responsible for these raised values.
Hope this answers and convinces you to take a prescription.