How Is Abdominal Pain Due To Weight Loss Treated ?
Thanks for the query,
Yes, The current issues faced by you are indeed due to the loss of weight within a short time.
Your body needs a certain number of calories just to function. When you drastically reduce the number of calories you are taking in so that you can lose weight, your body doesn't just burn fat--it will burn lean muscle tissue as well as organ tissue from your heart, kidneys and liver. Due to this reason the body muscles tend to lose their tone and develop signs and symptoms like cramps which are usually tolerable.
In addition, in an effort to provide itself with the nutrients it needs, your body will also take calcium from your bones, leaving them weak and prone to breaks or in the long term to osteoporosis.
Since you have already reached your goal, now is the time you invest in strengthening your body by providing the much needed proteins and also improve the conditioning by slow and persistent physical workouts.
With regard to relief of your abdominal pain you can get relief by the use of medication called as PEPTO-BISMOL, which will relieve all the discomfort.
In case, the pain is very severe, you can take Ibuprofen tablets (ADVIL) 400 mg , on a as needed basis.
I hope this helps.
Please feel free to consult me again if you have additional queries
Dr Anvekar.