How Is Pain In The Throat From Swallowing Tablets Treated ?
Thanks for the query,
Actually, taking a large sized pill or taking pill will less amount of water can produce irritation in the oro-esophageal pathway, as the pill advances.
In reality the pill is not stuck, it has now passed to the stomach, but due to irritation caused by it , you are constantly getting symptoms of sticky sensation in throat.
Secondly, every pill has a tendency to dissolve in water, so there is no chance that it is stuck in the throat.
Dont worry for this condition, the following instructions will be useful to you-
1- take some antacid with anesthetic syrup.
2- Take tablet ambroxol 60 mg twice a day.
Just for 2 days and believe me you will be all rite.
There is no need to panic, it is a very common condition and we encounter with patients with similar problems frequently.
Hope this will help you out. I will be available for followups should you have additional concerns. any).