How Long Does Iron Supplements Take To Show Effect?
On 30 XXXXXXX I noticed black stools and thought I had a GI track bleed so I started taking iron tablets and omneprazole. I saw my doctor on 4th Feb and had a blood test which came back showing an Hb (haemoglobin) of 11.4. I saw my doctor again yesterday who said my Hb was normal and black stools were due to taking iron tablets. I have now stopped taking iron tablets (since yesterday 8th Feb) but today stools still black. My doctor does not think I have a bleed i.e. it stopped sometime prior to 4th Feb. My question is how long will it take for the iron to clear my system and stools to go back to normal?
Upto 72 hours from iron tablets
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Black tarry stools are not just due to blood and very rightly said iron tablets can cause them too. Upto 72 hours or 96 hours at most, a stool can be black due to iron supplements or any other food like red wine or spinach etc.
Instead of doing a blood profile a stool occult blood test would have shown whether blood in stools is present or not as it will need an emergent upper GI endoscopy in case it comes positive.
Just keep an eye on your bowel movements and if these stay like this as black tarry after 72 hours then talk to your doctor.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.