How Long Does Recovery From TURP Take?
Is it OK to exercise such as weight lifting and jogging?
Recently I am smelling a certain Oder in my urine. Can this be related to the blood in it. or should I be concerned about this.
I was self cathing before my operation, although my flow has improved but I am still retaining around 400 cc after urination. Is this going to improve with time? will the size of prostate shrink more after a few more weeks? Is there any medication that will help reduce the size further?
Last question, having an open wound on my prostate how can I prevent infection and how likely is it to have an infection.
Thanks in advance for your response.
normal healing time after TURP is 4-6 weeks.
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX and welcome to HCM.
As an Urologist, i can fully understand your concern.
1. You may see blood up to a month, though it's quite uncommon to see it, after a week.
2.After a month, it's o.k.,to start lifting weights, very gradually.
After 6 weeks,complete healing should have taken place,and you can lift heavier weights and start jogging, gradually increasing the distance.
3. The residual urine should decrease over time, depending on several factors, like :
a. how long before surgery,were you carrying out self-catheterisation.
b. how frequently were you doing it, in a day.
c. What was the residual urine like, both pre-operative and post-operative.
d. What did your flow rate show.
e. How much of the prostate gland has been removed, as seen on ultrasound scan.
f. What's the biopsy report.
4. Prevention of infection in the remaining 4 weeks of healing period,consists of,
drinking 8-10 glasses fluids daily, at regular intervals.
You're welcome to ask any questions you may have.
Wish you good health.
Dr.Matthew J. Mangat.