Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
According to your height and weight, your BMI is 29.3, so you are definitely overweight, in fact, bordering on obese.
polycystic ovarian syndrome.
It is a condition characterized by hormonal imbalance, the cause is unknown.
Being overweight definitely increases the severity of this condition.
The ovaries get studded with multiple small cyst like follicles ( hence the name
polycystic ovarian disease ) - none of these mature every month, so ovulation fails, and cycles are irregular.
Females suffering from PCOS are often overweight, have excess hair growth, acne etc.
Lifestyle modification is the key factor for controlling PCOS.
Weight loss will help.
YOu need to join a gym and enter a dedicated fitness programme.
Exercising for 45 minutes atleast 5 days a week is a must.
The programme should involve 20 minutes of
aerobic exercise, 15 minutes of stretching and toning and 10 minutes of back and abdominal exercises with a cool down.
Please entail services of a personal trainer, that is best.
Also, consult a dietician, and formulate a diet chart based on your target weight and current activity level.
Stay away from fried, oily, greasy and spicy food - potatoes, white rice, ghee, butter, extra oil, salt, sugar, pickles, mangoes, sweets, icecreams, pizza, papad, burgers, tapioca, fried chicken etc.
Eat in moderation - 5 to 6 small meals instead of 2 -3 big ones.
Snack on nuts, fruits, green vegetables, curd, buttermilk, nimbu pani, coconut water, salads, dal, etc.
Have complete set of investigations for PCOS, namely -
FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, OGTT, DHEAS, free
Lipid Profile, Fasting serum insulin .
Have a pelvic ultrasound scan also.
Discuss with your doctor as drugs like Metformin can aid in weight loss and symptom control.
If fertility is an issue, please go for a cycle of follicular monitoring to track if the ovulation is proper, if not, medications like Clomiphene citrate would have to be prescribed to help in
ovulation induction.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.