Brief Answer:
Common causes ruled out: consider other causes
Detailed Answer:
Hi Ma'am,
I think you have uploaded the same report six times, due to sheer oversight.
Anyways, except for mildly raised globulin levels, other values are normal.
In view of the new information provided, regarding 'swaying sensation' on sitting or while putting on your shoes (perhaps bending down while putting on shoes) and
weight loss, kindly let me know if you also have the following symptoms:-
# increased/reduced sweating
Rapid heart rate even at rest
# Momentary dizziness on standing abruptly from lying/sitting position?
indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea/constipation
# Difficulty in passing urine or have frequent urge to pass urine, or feel that you have not emptied your bladder completely
# Do you get frequent attacks of headaches, lasting for hours, particularly after an episode of 'unsteadiness' or 'swaying'?
Patent basilar arteries excludes their narrowing due to
cholesterol deposition. Now, the possible causes narrow down to
* momentary compression of the vertebra-basilar arteries due to change in neck's position. (called Vertebro-Basilar Insufficiency- VBI). Vertebral arteries (which join together to form
Basilar artery) pass through narrow openings in the neck bones. At times, narrowing of these openings takes place and thereby, obstructing blood flow. A change in the head position, such as, neck rotation, bending of neck in different directions, cause momentary kinking of the artery --> disruption of blood supply to internal ear, brainstem and cerebellum and thereby cause momentary imbalance. I have seen numerous cases of VBI in my clinical practice; or,
* a severe
Vitamin B12 deficiency. Blood Vitamin B12 level rules out/ diagnosis this condition. Headaches following a spell of unsteady sensation goes in favor of Basilar migraine.
* Further, if you have some/most of the symptoms listed above, the possibility of AUTONOMIC NEUROPATHY needs to actively considered. Please request your doctor to take your blood pressure in sitting and standing position. If there is a marked fall in upper pressure on standing up, this possibility becomes very strong.
Also, possibility of an uncommon condition called "Localized Demyelinating Disease" (particularly in view of raised globulin level) may be considered.
Please discuss the above-mentioned possibilities with your
neurologist on Monday, without naming me. I am very curious to follow your unusual case to its logical conclusion. Please do update me after your neurologist's visit.
Lastly, the incident is now a closed chapter. I full understand that you have been through immense mental stress and worry.
Have a nice day
Dr. Rakesh Karanwal