How To Get Relief From Pain In The Buttock?
Thanks for posting your query.
The pain in the buttock could be due to a swelling, hematoma, abscess or a muscle sprain, nerve root compression from the spinal cord, etc.
If there is no visible swelling or redness in the area then an infection or inflammation is not likely. In such a case taking a mild pain killer in combination with a muscle relaxant and doing a hot fomentation in the area will help you.
If these measures are not helpful and there is a swelling in the area then a physical examination by an orthopedician is necessary to detect the cause of your pain and specific treatment after necessary investigations.
I hope this answers your query.
In case you have additional questions or doubts, you can forward them to me, and I shall be glad to help you out.
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Wishing you good health.
Dr. Praveen Tayal.
I had a shot in my buttock ,when my Dr said I have trochanteric bursitis .but the pain never goes.i have also taken pain reliever such as diclofenac and tramadol.
I started going for physioterapy and the pain goes on and off.
I have taken NSAID a weeks,taken an injection,and the pain still remain.
Thanks for writing again.
The pain due to trochanteric bursitis is due to a chronic inflammation. The local steroid injections often provide only a short term relief. The main treatment of such pain is regular anti inflammatory medicines, hot fomentation and physiotherapy to increase the range of movement.
You may ask your orthopedician for a repeat injection of steroid to take care of the acute symptoms.
Hope my answer is helpful.
Do accept my answer in case there are no further queries.