Question: yes please. I am concerned for a family member and their use of Percocet daily. It started 3-4 years ago when he was suffering from excruciating
back pain. He was put on Percocet 10-325mg and instructions to take 1-2 4 times a day. After another unrelated surgery (he was advised after looking at his
mri that he needed to lose some weight before the doc would do surgery because he said it would be more successful that way) Soon after that in 2012 he was diagnosed with High grade
dysplasia in his lower
esophagus , and the curative way to treat it, so as not to have it turn into cancer was to have a esophgectomy. It was horrible, a year recovery and many many drugs durng his 2 weeks in the hospital as well as after he returned home for the LONG difficult recovery. For some reason, after this unrelated surgery his back pain decreased signifigantly! I was so relieved, because the last thing I wanted for him was to go through another surgery, To this day, he still takes them, when I question it, he says he still has pain. If he does, I KNow it is not severe eno0ugh to us such a strong drug, Because he was unable to control his use, there were times he was taking 6-10 a day (I was unaware at the time) and then he would be out for a week before he could refill! He feels that a doctor prescribed them, they make him feel better (happier) so he wants to continue. I hold them now, and doloe out 4 per day ONLY for him. That still seems excessive to me, especially because he has stopped going to the chiropractor so obbiously his pain is not as bad as he would like me and his doctor to believe. I am worried. I am losing respect fir him and I hate feeling like the pill police all the time. I just noticed he has added the use of
klonopin to hiw regimen, He says he just takes it at bedtime, but I don't believe him. I am lost about what to do to help him, and any info you can give to me would ve wso very much appreciated!