How To Identify If A Person Is Having Chicken Pox. Can We Prevent It, Does It Have A Cure?
Chicken pox infection typically causes systemic prodromol symptoms that are same as any flu infection. One will have low grade fever, generalised weakness, body pains, nasal congestion and low appetite followed by skin eruptions if he is infected with chicken pox virus. Skin eruptions typically is located more to the chest and oral cavity. They are about few millimeter is size. There is redness and itching around the lesion. It lasts for a few weeks and disappear without scars.
Professionals identify chicken pox if one has similar looking lesions on the chest, abdomen and oral cavity. If you suspect someone has similar presentation, please encourage him/her to visit the nearest healthcare and exclude chickenpox.
Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease. The stage when he/she has active skin eruption is the time when they are very contagious. It spreads by contact as well as airborne infection. So maintaining good personal hygeine is very much essential to prevent spread of infection. In addition to this, we also have vaccines developed to prevent future infection.
As far as cure is concerned, chickenpox heals spontaneously without complication if the individual has good immunity. Recurrence is rare and seen only in low immune individuals.
I have tried to explain things in the most simple way possible. Let me know if you need clarifications.