Brief Answer:
Dietary Regime and Lifestyle Management
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back with your clarifications
1.Computing your BMI [body mass index] according to height and weight it comes out to be 20.7 [which falls in normal weight category according to parameters of Healthy weight]
2.Since you are into body building [gymnasium] which means your body requires extra energy to maintain and sustain muscle mass and body needs, thus following Dietary Regime and Lifestyle management is initiated.
3.Before starting medicine following guidelines which I tell my patient is/are
i.Make powder of raw mango seed and take 250mg with yogurt or water empty stomach in morning for three days and start practicing Yogasanas, [of your choice] and Surya-namaskar
ii.Avoid: heavy, slimy food along with fetid odor and unpleasant sight and TAKE old rice (1 year old but not diseased), green gram, fresh green vegetables, banana, pomegranate, garlic,ginger,raisins,black pepper, clarified butter, butter milk, with regular brushing of teeth and tongue cleaning, bathing, lemon,salt,mint,morning walk.
iii.Eat a variety of nutrient rich food but who have some added advantage like: Cabbage (
cholesterol lowering benefits), carrot (helps in liver
detoxification), cauliflower (ideal against abdominal problems), dates (best for muscle development), and onions (contains flavinoids which protect against
cardiovascular disease), garlic (has broad spectrum antibiotic properties)
iv.Take protein rich diet :legumes, sprouted pulses/cereals, milk with protein
vitamin A, B, C, E in diet which helps in strengthening the immune system.
4.Take self expressed juice of white onion 6ml with honey in morning and good sleep after meals. [In Ayurveda we hold that people when doing everything right, takes SLEEP regularly and that too after food he becomes FAT, so have a good stress free sleep after meals to gain weight].
5.Principle is to have well balanced diet with more of proteins and more Calories with exercise, take more of cereals, legumes, daal, egg, and eat fresh fruits regularly with sweet pulp like (banana, mango, chickoos, and grapes)
6.Take banana, black grapes,orange,spinach,ginger,tomatoes, curd, take diet rich in vitamin C (Citrus fruits) and
vitamin E (sunflower seeds, almonds,apricots,peanuts) which are rich in anti oxidants and thus helps in improvement of Thymus function (associated with Immunity.)
7.Eat mixture of amla powder ½ spoons with 4 spoons of honey.
i. Don’t skip breakfastTake your lunch between 12 -1 PM which is the peak period of Pitta (responsible for digestion)have your dinner 2 hours before sleeping.
ii. Make sure you do not travel, do strenuous exercise, or indulge in sexual activities within one hour after meal
iii. Proper sleep with proper diet is the key to healthy living in Ayurveda.
iv. Avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine, eating late at night, stress, and drink water instead of colas.
v. Practice Yoga,
Meditation and go for an exercise regime..
vi. Walk a while after meal to help digestion.
PS. Some of the prescription medicines available for gaining weight in Ayurveda are: brahmi XXXXXXX [gurukul kangri], drakshojem [bajaj], XXXXXXX kalp royal [baidyanath], kesarvilas avleha [chirayu], angoorassav-shuddha shilajeet [zandu],
ashwagandha preparations.
. Mine successful prescription is giving agni XXXXXXX vati [prepared by myself] along with ashvagandha preparartion. If interested I can courier you the medicine [at your discretion].
Dr. Munish Sood
Note: Deal with your health issues naturally by getting closer to Ayurveda.
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