How To Rule Out Laryngitis?
Warm saline gargling, steam inhalation, lozenges
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HCM.
I have gone through your query.
Your symptom are secondary to throat trickle is likely to be due to post nasal drip from the sinus into the nasopharynx.
I would like to know, do you have any sinus related problem? Or recently had you suffered from sinusitis.
Since when you are facing these problem?
I would suggest you the following which will be helpful
1. Warm saline gargling : To a glass of lukewarm water add two spoon of common table salt. Gargle throat with it thrice a day.
2. Steam inhalation with few drops of eucalyptus oil: 15 to 20 minutes each session twice a day will be helpful.
3. To cup of warm milk add 1 spoon of turmeric at least twice a daily. 2 drops of fresh lemon juice to a spoon of honey, two to three times a day. These will be very soothing to the throat and will be helpful.
4. Lozenges, like strepsils or cofsil, will be helpful.
Hope this helps.
I'll be glad to clarify your further queries.
Take care.
I do not have a sinus issue by nature but do have Flonaise which was prescribed for me to help treat allergies. I also use 10mg's of Singular daily for allergies which seem to be doing the job.
My question is that in addition to what you suggested in your previous reply, would Flonase be useful to me for my symptoms?
Thank you XXXXXXX
Yes, flonase will be beneficial
Detailed Answer:
Even an allergic rhinitis, can be responsible for post nasal drip.
To answer your question, flonase will be helpful along with the above mentioned measures.
With these measures, your symptoms should reduce.
Hope this helps.
I'll be glad to address further queries, if noon kindly rate and close the query.
Wish you speedy recovery.
Take care.