In Spite Of Doing Physical Exercises Weight Is Increasing And Feeling Depressed. Any Solution?
Thank you for your query on Healthcare Magic.
In spite of doing physical exercises, increasing weight may be due to genetic, hormonal reasons.
As you are having irregular periods, it is better to rule out hormonal imbalances like hypothyroidism and polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOD) by doing blood investigations for hormonal studies like thyroid profile, androgen studies and ultrasound abdomen and pelvis to look for ovaries.
Hypothyroidism and Polycystic Ovarian disorders are the common causes of weight gain.
Do physical exercises like brisk walking, swimming regularly and avoid junk food like sweets, cakes, chocolates, burgers and pizzas.
Take good balanced diet with more fruits, vegetables and salads and consult a Dietician for appropriate dietary plan for you.
Be happy and do not be depressed, as depression may cause excessive weight gain.
Consult your Physician for the evaluation of the medical causes of excessive weight gain and their management.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.