Infant Is Having Fever. Given Tylenol. Prescribed Amoxicillin For Ear Infection. Red Bumps Appeared On Face
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Rashes on face and neck could be part of infection or a side effect of drugs. Especially ibuprofen is more notorious to cause rash. It’s preferable to give tylenol which is much safer. You can apply calamine lotion to the rashes, which will soothen her skin. If it is part of infection, it will improve in one or two days.
Inspite of all these efforts if it still persists, just show it to your doctor. Let him confirm that it’s not much to worry about. Also amoxicillin can result in rash. He can change antibiotic if needed.
For the moment, you need not worry. Just try tylenol, calamine lotion and see if it persists. Then get a doctor's opinion.
He will be all right soon. If you have any more queries, I am happy to answer or else kindly close the query and rate it.
Take care
Dr. Balaji Chinnasami MD
Assistant professor, Pediatrics
I am happy that the information was useful to you. Feel free to ask any queries regarding your daughter's health.
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Take care
Dr. Balaji Chinnasami MD
Assistant professor, Pediatrics