Is 116 Over 66 With A Pulse Rate Of 80 Normal For 42 Years Old?
I shall make an effort to provide you with good professional recommendations specific to your questions.
Broadly speaking, considering your background cardiac medical history and age - those figures of Blood pressure (BP) you quoted with the Pulse rate looks good.
But, there is more to a single reading of BP that cannot be taken as a guide. 2-3 readings and an average is always the rule for a good medical comment.
Strictly speaking, 116 systolic and 66 diastolic is absolutely normal reading as per American Heart Association's guidelines on Hypertension.
You might be well aware already, that BP fluctuates with time of day and night apart from the drugs you take and conditions you have. As you have mentioned you have been a hypertensive - You would need to be regular with your follow ups.
Mild degree of altered LVF - I must assume is the reason why you have mentioned Heart failure category. But, heart failure is of many grades and I do not think you are in the uncompensated phase which is the one to be extremely cautious about. I assume you would be in the compensatory phase which is the better of the two - and you nevertheless have to follow all instructions given your doctor for the same.
You have not mentioned any drugs that you have taken or are currently on - which might help me to comment further.
Let me know if I have missed out any other concern in your question.
Yet again, I duly appreciate your query to me, I do hope that you have found something useful to help you and I shall be glad to answer any further apprehensions.
Dr Sujeet N Charugulla,
Consultant Physician.
You are more than welcome to write as much details about your conditions.
Now that your rib cartilage rather than the heart has been found by your doctor you should now be real positive about your health.
Your nutritional supplements are XXXXXXX in antioxidants which have some beneficial effects
But do not take them for more than necessary.
Your age, your physical activity and your dietary changes should give you all the more reasons to be stress free now.
Wishing you the best of health again.
A couple of more weeks should be fine, provided your diet is well balanced.
Studies on a large scale do not exist to say these supplements will definitely provide benefit. But, as they help in body metabolic needs - its intake is not argued against.
And, they are not drugs to have set duration of therapy.
So, I leave it best to your discretion as I explained above.
Wishing you the best of health.