Is Erythromycin Ointment Advisable For Scratch On The Eye?
Detailed Answer:
Usually eye antibiotics come as drops or ointment and for young children and babies, usually ointment is used because it stays put more reliably in someone who may not be able to follow directions as easily.
Either is applied to the space between the lower lid and the eye. If your grand daughter can follow these directions, have her look up at something on the ceiling. Hold your finger just slightly below the lower eyelid to gently pull down the lower lid. This will create an open space between her lower lid and eye and you can squeeze the ointment in there.
With a toddler, don't worry if she doesn't cooperate and you end up getting the antibiotic ointment on her closed eye and lashes. With blinking, some of it will be worked onto the eye with the ointment.
When there is a scratch, that is the cornea that is involved. It sounds like the scratch was not looked at using fluorescein stain and a cobalt light? So since it was not evaluated for depth of corneal laceration, they are giving the antibiotic prophylactically to prevent any risk of infection from the scratch.
You can rest assured that most corneal abrasions or lacerations do not get infected even without using an antibiotic. This was most likely prescribed as a precaution.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can clarify further.