Is GFR Level Of 60 A Cause For Concern?
My parents have concern about this. My mother is 81 with a new GFR of 60, and my father is 91 with a GFR between 40-45.
Is it possible that at their ages those numbers can be considered normal?
What would it imply to have lower numbers at their ages?
Thank you.
it's partly expected but it's still a problem
Detailed Answer:
this is an expected situation since renal functionality declines with time. For most patients older than 80 years a GFR around 50-60 is almost 'normal' and should not pose any problems. Patients with lower GFR, particularly those with GFR as low as 30mL/min or so, may start to experience the problems of chronic kidney disease and may have to modify their treatment for various disorders like diabetes or hypertension. Some drugs may be dangerous when the kidneys cannot function properly. Other drugs may become ineffective.
So in conclusion, although a low GFR is expected in many patients, a very low GFR (close to 30mL/min) will cause problems and should be managed appropriately.
I hope it helps!
Kind Regards!
Detailed Answer:
You're welcome!
Perhaps I should be more explicit this time. Most patients won't experience any problem with their indeed deteriorating renal functions and will have an acceptable GFR (50-70mL/min or higher). Some of them - those with the exaggerated deterioration obviously - will. In practice most patients start to experience symptoms when their GFR is definitely less than 45mL/min and most of them when the GFR is close to 30 or less. Anemia, electrolyte disorders, etc are expected. Their regimen has to be modified accordingly. Expect a creatinine level around 1.5mg/dL for such a low GFR.
I hope it's more clear now!
Kind Regards!