Is Cervical Lymph Nodes On The Right Side Of Neck Related To Klippel Fiel Syndrome?
I had enlarge lymph node on the right side of my neck while in the military (24 years), to be considered service connected I have should that this problem existed while I was in the military. I had several doctor appointment about the cervical lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. Is the any connection between cervical lymph nodes and Kippel feil
Your question is a good one and I will work on providing you with some information and recommendations regarding the symptoms you are experiencing.
Regarding the lymph node on the right side of the neck I personally feel there is no relation with decompression and craniotomy doe for Klippel Fiel syndrome. Rarely post surgery one can see only transient suboccipital lymph node enlargements and disappear shortly after surgery.
Cervical lymph nodes seen on the right side of the neck without any associated systemic symptoms for a long time, suggests the possibility of benign persistent lymph adenopathy probably of uncertain cause. I feel this does not require any tests or investigations at this point of time.
So I personally feel cervical lymph nodes are not related to surgical decompression and instrumentation for Klippel Fiel syndrome. As the picture suggests the possibility of Benign cervical lymphadenopathy, no evaluation is required at this point of time. If you notice pain, increase in the size and number of enlarged lymph nodes you need to see your GP for a detailed evaluation and biopsy to exclude other causes.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you find my response to be both helpful and adequate.
If you have any additional concerns regarding your question I would be happy to address them.
Dr Shiva Kumar R
Consultant Neurologist & Epileptologist.