Question: Good day, I am 26 year old man, doing sport for many years,
I was feeling tied,
cold feets, naping, naping during mental work, hair loss, erectile disfunction. I went to these symthoms to the doctor after blood analysis he put me dyagnosis of hypohyroid. I began to take 25 micrograms THS ( Eutiroks). After 11 days i felt better and after 2 month my erectile disfunction got better. But after 2 month i left my country for education to Europe. and 1 month after coming here i began to feel harsh head ayck, tension in my ayes and high
heart rate. So i was away from my doctor and got affraid and stopped taking hormone. But my
head pain tension in ayes and high heart beat were continuing. Then after 2 month with these symthoms my throat little swolled up and i reallized had these pains comes when i drink cold and i feel little pain when i drink cold. Meanwhile my symthomps of hypothyroid came back and will very very bad for them( i also want to mention that my mother is also taking THS pills for long time). I quit with drinking cold drinks and kept my throat warm last 2 weeks and last 1 week since i has some antibiotics at home ( amocsichilin 500mg) i took it 3 time per day during 5 days. After taking care of my throat i felt better it seams antibiotics also were useful and heart beat also drop down . But even i do not have pain in my throat i will disconfort especially when i drink very slightly cold drink. I have feeling that some thing is not ok there. Because hypothyroid sytmtoms hurting me much i though if am .feeling well so i decided take back thyroid hormone. So i began last 2 days to take half of 25 microg pills and i again began to feel ( less than it was ) tension kind of pain in back side of my head, tension in ayes. The most interesting moment is that i pain is displacing. It means that some time i feel pain in back side of my head some times tension in my ayes some time in my throat. I also want to mention that i went to endocrinolgist recently in Europe . He told me -- all endorinical measures are in the norm, but my thyroid hor is directly in the border and it might be reason for some hypohyroid symthoms. I included my last
blood test results here please also view
In conculsion i want to ask to doctor: is it possible during last 2 month i has pain in ayes, head and high heart beat due to hidden infection process of my throat?.
I was filling very very good when i was taking thyroid pills why when i try to recovery intake i have pains ( again current pains are less than used to be before takng care of my throat)? can i recovery THS hormone uptake ?
What are doctors general opinion ?