Is It Safe To Travel Post Crystal Meth Withdrawal?
don't cancel the trip
Detailed Answer:
The withdrawal from stimulants is depression. He might be a lousy travel companion. BUT... change in mileau is extremely effective in recovery. Not sure if there is anything MORE important to recovery. The best results ever seen in recovery was when Vietnam veterans returned home; 90% of those hooked on heroin got over it immediately and permanently. The next best is changing one's mileau as much as possible with group and family interventions (50-70% recovery). Indeed treatment programs often involve changes in surroundings and their limitation is that people have to leave them. Residential recovery centers have tried to make surroundings for recovery involving group homes.
There isn't a serious health/withdrawal issue from stimulants that would preclude travel. People can have other issues (serious lung disease, ear infections) but these aren't connected to methamphetamine.