Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
After any vaginal procedure ( such as the one you had ) , it is common to feel some amount of itching and irritation as the vagina has been handled and instrumented upon.
The UTI sensation is not normal though.
Both these taken together point towards a developing infection ( pelvic and urinary ).
The antibiotics would further up your odds of developing
vaginal thrush, as you have rightly surmised.
Rephresh gel basically restores vaginal pH, but if an infection has ALREADY begun, it would not cure it.
What you can do , is use the gel as you have in the past.
If the itching / symptoms of UTI do not subside within a day or two, then you would do well to have a formal diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
As such, if you have been susceptible to yeast frequently, chances are high that this is indeed the beginning of a
fungal infection, particularly in conjunction with the history of antibiotic usage, however, before beginning any kind of treatment, it is better to consult a doctor and have the diagnosis established.
Self medication might backfire sometimes.
ALso, please have atleast 4 - 5 litres of liquids daily.
Avoid intercourse until the ( ? ) infection passes away.
You can try Rephresh temporarily and wait and watch to see if signs of a florid infection develop.
In case, they do ( your symptoms begin to worsen ) - consult a doctor for
1. Internal gynaecological check up ( per vaginum and per speculum ).
Pap smear and vaginal swab of the discharge to confirm type of infection.
3. Urine routine / microscopic plus urine culture examination.
4. Blood sugar testing if you are prone to frequent
yeast infections.
Needless to say,
probiotic intake in the form of yoghurt / curd will go a long way, especially while you complete your antibiotic course.
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.