Is It Safe To Use Essential Oils On Kids For Sleeplessness?

Dr XXXXXXX recommended you to me as I was asking him about some homeopathic therapy for my 2.5 daughter. In fact before that I was speaking to Dr Diptanshu XXXXXXX about the use of essential oils too. I hope you can better clear my below queries about homeopathic and essential oils therapy. They are all related to helping my daughter, who has not really slept through the night since birth, to sleep better. (I am almost dying from dealing with her non-stop multiple night wakings every night. I tried almost everything - the change of nap times / exhausting her / sleep training / feeding warm milk or bananas before bed etc. - you name it. Nothing seems to be really working consistently.)
1. Somebody told me the use of essential oils worked wonders for her kids to sleep through the night. But I am completely new to essential oils and after spending significant time researching on the net and speaking to `experts`, I don't seem to find any credible research which says it's absolutely safe to use them on kids without any long term impact, or any solid guidelines on the safe and effective ways to use the oils on kids. There seem to be no consensus except that lavender is the most commonly used oil. I wonder if you could guide me on the below. Thanks a lot in advance.
a. Is there any credible research which proves that it is absolutely safe for small kids to use essential oils frequently and it doesn't affect them in any negative ways throughout their life, if the oils are used properly? Do people in countries where aromatherapy is common use these oils since young without any negative consequences over their lifetimes? It is important to note that my daughter is a G6PD carrier with 1-2 out of the 12 genes responsible for coding for G6PD enzyme defected. Can she use essential oils just like others?
b. If it's ok for kids to use essential oils,
- would you have any suggestions on which oils to use and how to use them (method, dosage, frequency, period of usage etc) to help my daughter sleep better, given that she's a G6PD carrier?
- where can I find guidelines on the below? (There are too much information on the net and I have no ideas which sources are trustworthy.)
i. which are the oils ok for kids who are G6PD carrier (or general kids) at what age?
ii. which are the oils to avoid for kids who are G6PD carrier (or general kids) under what age?
iii. what is the safest but effective way to use such oils on small kids like my daughter, if we are talking about sleep problems? Put a drop of say lavender on a piece of paper beside her for the whole night, or rub it on her feet, or diffuse one drop in her room for say 20 mins, or any other better ways?
iv. how much of that 1-2 drops of oil will go into a kid's circulation if we rub it on her vs let her inhale from the paper with the same amount of oil next to her for the whole night?
v. what is the frequency limit to use essential oils on her? once a day? do I need a break after say 10 days or something or there's no problem using it continuously say for a few months if it works for her?
vi. if the essential oils work for her in improving her sleep, will prolonged use of it make her body naturally adjusted in which case she won't need to rely on it later yet still will be able to sleep well? how long can I try the oils for safely?
2. I also found another homeopathic solution (called SleepDrops for Babies) which seems to be helping but I just found out it contains a small amount of ethanol derived from fermenting diary extracts - 0.002ml per drop and the dosage required is 2-3 drops per night under the tongue before bed. According to the company the amount of alcohol is even less than that remains in bread after baking or in bananas. But of course I would like to get a medical opinion from you to see if it's really ok to feed her 0.004-0.006ml of such ethanol under the tongue every night, without any negative impact at all. For your reference, the full ingredients list is this:
Organic Coconut Glycerine, purified water, ethanol, Corydalis ambigua (Corydalis), Eschscholzia californica (Californian poppy), Humulus lupus (Hops), Lavandula officinalis (Lavender), Matricaria recutita (Chamomile), Passiflora incarnate (Passionflower), XXXXXXX methysticum (Kava), Scutellaria baicalensis (Baical Skullcap), Albizia lebbeck (Albizia), Viburnum opulus, (Cramp bark) Zizyphus jujuba (Zyziphus) with Homeopathic Calc phos, Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Kreosotum, Mag phos, combined with flower essences.
3. Separately, I also heard something called cranial sacral therapy which apparently can also help with sleeping problems. What's your take on this (if any)? I wonder if the cause for her stubborn sleeping problem could really be what such therapy is treating, ie something wrong with the fluid flow between the cranium and the sacrum due to misalignment of these two body parts, and whether I should let her try this expensive therapy ...
Sorry for the lengthy questions ... just really want to find something which helps her sleep through the night and to resume normal life for everyone ... Thanks a tonne!
Let me explain
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
First i am not a homeopathic physician. I can explain you about Essential oils.
Essential oils used in aromatherapy for many diseases like sleeplessness,migraine headache,psychological problems etc.
Any Alternative system of medicine treat the subjects depends on constitutional basis,single medicine will be prescribed for many indication.but the same medicine (plant extract,oil,minerals)will not suit for other constitution.
first they analysis the subject and they diagnosis with their realigned vitals. depends on that medicine will be prescribed.
No proven studies are there with essential oils and guidelines for usage.
Essential oil usage have no guidelines for standard procedures. depends on patient suitability it will differ.
it depends on the specialist experience and locality practice.
the ingredient you have mentioned have got many medicinal property.
but there is no proved study which recommend that for sleeplessness.
As your baby is too young. better take him to pediatrician or to Chinese medicine specialist. As Chinese and our XXXXXXX system of medicine resemble the same mode of pathology and treatment.
Because as your G6PD problem may not be the cause for your baby problem.
As of my experience certain oil like olive oil, urad oil,sesame oil gentle massage will give the baby good sleep.
better take your kid to a genuine certified Chinese medicine specialist for proper assessment and treatment.
Thank you
Hope i answered your query

I have two follow up questions.
1. For the SleepDrops product i mentioned, i understand what you mentioned regarding no proven studies on the function on solving sleeplessness. But it seems to be helping after trying for 3 weeks. But should i be concerned with the 0.004-0.006ml dose of ethanol every night under the tongue? We all know alcohol is not good for kids but does such small amount matter? Apparently that ethanol is derived from fermentafion of diary extracts.
2. For the massage of oil you mentioned, pls kindly give more details. For examples, where shall I massage the oil? Full body or just the bottom of feet or certain parts of body? For how long and how often per day?
Some say massage on bottom of feet is better than other parts. Is there any basis for that?
will explain you in the detailed answer
Detailed Answer:
1. As I mentioned earlier both Chinese and ayurvedic medicine (Indian traditional medicine)remains the same in concepts. Sometimes we use to prescribe fermented medicine (aristam,ashavam)to the pediatric patients for treating the disease. It also contain alcohol (Ethanol). And generally I haven't observed any side effects in kids. But usually I don't prescribe it more than a month. After frequent assessment and depending on the progress of the disease we advise to withdraw or to continue.
As your kid is receiving very minimal dose (0.004-0.006ml) and you are experiencing good results you can continue the same. After one month of practice, I suggest you to replace the sleep drops with normal water without his awareness and see how he responds to it. Get back to me with feedback.
2. Usually at the age of 2 to 3 year kid use to play a lot. You can massage the whole body with warm oil. give little pressure in feet. it will help a lot to trigger all the body system.
initial days add and use minimal oil to appreciate whether the oil suits your baby constitution or not. Gentle application of oil in all parts of body and gentle massage in feet. Day by day make it intense depends on the response of the baby. two drops of aswaganda oil in head will be good initially.
do it in day time; better in late evening before sunset.
Recommended oil:(withania somnifera )aswagandha oil,sesame oil,olive oil.
Hope i answered your query
thank you
kindly get back to me if there any clarification.

Thanks for your details on the oil massage. Do the oils you mentioned have calming effect? She sleeps around 9pm every night and would applying it before sunset be too early?
Is lavender a good choice? Many people say so but I also worry about absorption issue. How much of the essential oils we use on 2-3 year olds get absorbed into their bodies, via topical application and inhaling? Say if we apply 1 drop of lavender on her feet, and we put a piece of paper with 1 drop of lavender and put beside her when she sleeps. How much of that one drop of lavender oil (or other essential oils i may use in the future) really gets into her body in each case? Is there any quantificafion for that?
Thanks a lot!
let me explain on your doubt
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your reply.
Your baby is not too old to use such oil like lavender or anything of pure commercial available essential oil as essential oils are prepared concentrating on their active principles. For a time being or a short course it may be useful, but I don't recommend it for long term.
Aswaganda oil (traditional praparation) certainly used for calming property as well as anti stress ,sesame oil, olive oil will be good for general massage. Here whole plant will be used and prepared in traditional way. so possible side effects will not be there.
I don't recommend inhalation for 2 to 3year old kid
Doing the massage before sunset will have the post massage effect in early night. No need to worry. If your kid starts sleep immediately after the massage then you can do it around 8pm.
i dont use lavender oil for a kid both for massage or inhalation.i suggest dont use essential oils for inhalation. applying it on skin with concern specialist is advisable. as i said alternative medicine will differ from constitution to constitution. don't listen to friends,non medical person expressions,ideas. you should get proper consultation with specialist in person.
Get back to me for further any clarification.

Let me clarify
- so you are saying that ANY pure essential oils are too concentrated for use on a 2-3 year old kid?
- How about diluting the oil with base oils like vegetable oils or olive oils? Say one drop of lavender with a few drops or more of base oils and then apply on her feet?
- and you are saying that because essential oils are so concentrated we better not use it on her for a long period of time? Again, how about if we dilute the oil?
- What the dilution ratio you think is acceptable for a 2-3 year old kid?
- so you are saying inhaling essential oils from a piece of paper with 1 drop of it is too concentrated for my daughter, compared with applying the oil on her?
- So absorption rate is much higher by inhaling?
- How about diffusing 1 drop of essential oils in a diffuser with say 200ml of water (so very diluted) in a room of size say 60-80 sq feet, so that one drop is diffused over the whole room? Or put the piece of paper further away so the smell becomes weak? Would that be ok?
- it is the first time i heard about Aswaganda oil. Pls excuse for my lack of knowledge on Ayurveda medicine. I just googled it briefly. It looks like a powerful alternative medicine and it even contains derivatives of steroid (steroidal lactones)? I wonder why such powerful medicinal plant is ok to use on kids vs lavender for example ... Can you pls explain jn more details? Is there anywhere i can find more information about it to ensure that it's ok to use on kids and to get more confidence in it, especially given that she is a G6PD carrier?
- if i decide to use it where can i buy it? I am living in Hong Kong and i have not come across this myself ...
- the problem with specialists on essential oils (or any appropriate specialist who can help with my daughter's sleeping issues) is there doesn't seem to be anyone to go see or talk to here in Hong Kong. There are aromatheapy specialists but they don't seem to have any consensus regarding use of such oils on kids. Nobody seems to be specialising on kids. As you said there are no guidelines or research about it. The paediatricians here in Hong Kong (or even on this website) don't seem to know much about essential oils. I guess it's just really not their regime.
There are Chinese drs here but given that she's a G6PD carrier and the lack of research on Chinese herbs, i am not confortable in giving her Chinese medicine either ... So i have no idea who else i can go to ... And that is why i started asking questions here.... Let me know if you have any suggestions regarding specilaist help. Or is there anybody here on healthcare magic who can help? She's not just any kid but one who's a G6PD carrier so i want to be extra careful when it comes to using things on her ....
- i have run out of my follow up questions after this. If i have more questions after your reply, what can i do? Just pay for another round? Would you have the record of our chats?
Thanks a lot!
explained with reference question
Detailed Answer:
i given you my answers with regards to your queries.
so you are saying that ANY pure essential oils are too concentrated for use on a 2-3 year old kid?
yes,as essential oils are not recommended in 2-3 year old kid for inhalation. you can mix with some base oil only external application.
- How about diluting the oil with base oils like vegetable oils or olive oils? Say one drop of lavender with a few drops or more of base oils and then apply on her feet?
you can dilute with vegetable oil or olive oil and do the massage. no harm in it.that is a fair idea.
and you are saying that because essential oils are so concentrated we better not use it on her for a long period of time? Again, how about if we dilute the oil? - What the dilution ratio you think is acceptable for a 2-3 year old kid?
you can mix 1ml with 50 ml of base oil then you can use it for external application.once your kid started sleeping without the help of essential oil then stop using it.
- so you are saying inhaling essential oils from a piece of paper with 1 drop of it is too concentrated for my daughter, compared with applying the oil on her?
external application will show slower absorption. absorption through skin will take time to react.so no need to worry. it will not act centrally it act peripherally.
- So absorption rate is much higher by inhaling?
through inhalation it will immediately reaches the brain. so inhalation strongly not recommended.
- How about diffusing 1 drop of essential oils in a diffuser with say 200ml of water (so very diluted) in a room of size say 60-80 sq feet, so that one drop is diffused over the whole room? Or put the piece of paper further away so the smell becomes weak? Would that be ok?
ok that will be good enough. but first you should chek with your own experience.
- it is the first time i heard about Aswaganda oil. Pls excuse for my lack of knowledge on Ayurveda medicine. I just googled it briefly. It looks like a powerful alternative medicine and it even contains derivatives of steroid (steroidal lactones)? I wonder why such powerful medicinal plant is ok to use on kids vs lavender for example ... Can you pls explain jn more details? Is there anywhere i can find more information about it to ensure that it's ok to use on kids and to get more confidence in it, especially given that she is a G6PD carrier.
as aswaganda is one of the famous herb used in XXXXXXX .ya it contains steroid. but it is not the commercial chemical steroid. it is a plant steroid. in traditional practise we dont use the only active principles. we use the plant or plant part like root,flower etc as a whole. so there is no much more side effects when compare to taking active principles.
as you didnt have awareness about it. kindly ignore. use the available one.no need to search for aswaganda oil. use olive oil.As G6PD is a enzyme related condition no need to confuse with aswaganda.
there is no connection with sleep problem and G6PD disease. dont confuse both.
be clear.
once your kid sleepless problem solved you stop all medications (essential oil,etc) your kid will have a normal life.
As regarding your G6PD concern if the child is carrier then when child develops some problem regarding G6PD then take him to a pediatrician.
i dont find any such specialist in healthcaremagic.
as i have the thread of your conversation and i am aware of your kid condition when you ask for further questions in future.
as of now first settle down with sleep problem and if your kid develop any symptom related with G6PD then consult with a pediatrician in person.
as a mother i understand you feelings. be confident.
thank you

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