Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent? What Are The Side Effect?
1) Is lazer hair removal permanent? Can you really get baby smooth hair free skin as advertised or is it more like waxing/razor removal. hair coming back stronger and coarser?Is it really possible to have baby like smooth skin?
2) How expensive is the treatment? how many sittings would be required for dense area like chest? what is the cost per session?
3) what are the side effects of this hair removal? does it leave any scars/blemishes on the body?
4) I read some where that there are medicines which have enzymes that make the hair regrowth subsequently lesser and lesser.pls advise?
5) which is the safest lazer for indian skin type I am wheatish to fair in complexion.
Pls advise I would love to get rid of these hair asap. Not to mention how much my girl Friend will thank you!!!
Laser hair removal is not actually Laser Hair removal, its Hair reduction.the parts like chin which you have to shave every day, will require shaving maybe once in a week to once in a month varying from person to person.
Diode or NdYag is the most effective for the same.Don't take IPL Lars sessions
Answers to your specific questions are as follows:
1) the treatment is may require 6 to 8 sittings which will make your coarse Hair fine and softer and gradually decrease their growth to minimal.
You may need supplimenting sessions once a 6 month period after routine 6 or 8 sessions.
Hair coming back are always softer n finer
2) 6 to 8 sittings.cost vary from surgeon to surgeon.for chest what i charge is around Rs 0000 to 0000 per session.
3) side effects are rare...but like all Laser treatments may lead to some burns or pigmentation rarely
4) no medicines are effective for it so don't waste timer and energy and money on them
5) most effective and safest Laser is diode for same in Indian skin
I hope i have answered to all your queries
Feel free to post again if u have any more doubts
God bless
Dr Mayank Singh
Consultant Plastic, Cosmetic, hair Transplant, Laser surgeon
New delhi, India
1) are the results better for areas like cheeks, back and shoulders where hair are less coarse and finer?
2) you mention 6-8 sessions. what is the time interval between these sessions?
3) how soon can one start expecting visible results, as in after how many sessions?
4) also i would not want to commit to lifetime of laser treatment so i really wish to understand how permanent the effects are. You xplain that Hair reduction is possible bt is this hair reduction permanent or one will have to keep on undergoing supplementing sessions every 6 months for rest of the life?
Thanks for posting your queries again
The Laser treatment us good for all.areas mentioned by you including all coarse hair.
The interval between each session should be 4 to 6 weeks
Expected results start to show in 2 to 3 sittings in most though varies from person to person
Results are very satisfactory in most, but not permanent in all, most patients need supplementing sittings once in 6 months to 1 year, but not for your entire life.Maybe for a couple of years.
It us, actually worth undergoing if you are unhappy with the hair growth
Kindly post again if you have any more doubts.If not, and you are.satisfied kindly rate on the site and accept the answer.
God bless