Is Mammogram And CT Scan Necessary After A PET Scan?
When was last CT scan done and which part?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have read through your query in detail.
Having worked in a cancer hospital for few years, I have seen many patients like your mother. Rarely two cancers can affect the same person as in ovarian and breast cancer. It is nice to know that she is doing well after surgery and chemotherapy.
Research has shown that it is very difficult to remove every cell of breast tissue during a mastectomy, and it's possible that a few remaining cells could be cancer cells that grew after the patient had a mastectomy. However, this situation is very unusual as PET scan done in July is normal. Also, imaging is still needed for the unaffected breast to detect any possible changes in your breast tissue. Yearly surveillance mammograms on the unaffected side is strongly recommended. This holds true even if PET scan done 3 months back is normal.
Regarding CT scan, I would like to know whether the oncologist wants a chest CT or abdomen pelvis CT scan or complete CT whole body scan. In most cases, if they notice anything suspicious in the X ray chest or ultrasound abdomen then a CT chest or CT abdomen pelvis is asked for respectively.
In many hospitals, CT scan is done together with PET scan. I would like to know if it was done that way for your mother and if not then when the last CT scan was done and which part was scanned.
Waiting to hear updates from your end so that I can continue to discuss further.