Is Mesh Placement Necessary During A Hernia Surgery?
Is mesh necessary? I've read numerous things about problems with mesh. If mesh is used, are there ones that dissolve over time or are there only ones that are permanent?
Second - since I'v had arithmya problems in the past, when I had protate cancer treatment - radioctive seed implants - epidural was used. Is that an option for hernia surgery?
As discussed in details below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
To recapitulate: Male/76 - Inguinal hernia - consulted and was told that you could wait and check back - feels like the condition is getting worse and bothers you daily - prostate cancer treatment - radioactive seed implants - had arrhythmia - epidural was used - has two concerns...
My thoughts:
- Mesh is an extra support that helps to avoid recurrence of hernia after repair.
As the age advances the muscles and fasciae become weak and anatomical repair may not hold for long causing recurrence, hence it is always useful to use mesh as it gives extra strength to the repair. There was time when the mesh were not in use at all, yet the repairs were done. Mesh repair is now standard in most countries and widely accepted as superior to primary suture repair.
There is ULTRAPRO® Partially Absorbable Lightweight Mesh.
Absorbable mesh like polyglactin (Vicryl) or polyglycolic (Dexon) are also available, but it is the prerogative of your operating Surgeon who can consider all the factors including your medical fitness, muscle strength, other medical conditions, type of hernia and such many factors.
- Hernia can be very well operated under epidural anesthesia. You will need an open approach considering the history of arrhythmia and complete cardiac check-up and management by a Cardiologist his fitness certificate and go-ahead management.
Hence many factors are to be considered before one goes for surgery.
I hope this answers your query. Please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.