Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
HRT is risk factor for some female cancers in late age including this one.
Smoking is the main risk factors for almost every lung cancers. Of course,that doesnt mean that it cant be found in young nonsmokers but this is extremely rare.
Also,when I am talking about smoking,I mean heavy smoking and this is more than 20 years,15-20 ciggaretes per day.
Incidence that you ve mentioned was calculated when considering all patients wizh this
tumor. If only nonsmokers were counted the incidence would about 100-200x smaller so it is actually negligible.
Carcinosarcoma of any origin is typically found in +60. There are only about 20 reported cases in scientific literature in young people,usually breast and uterine cancers.
Your last statement is true for most cancers including this one. Studies confirms that some type of cancer can be found in up to 20% cases in people who lived more than 70. this was based on autopsies where those cancers are found, but of course most of these deaths were not caused by these cancers.So someone who lives 85 years will have about 50% chances of suffering from cancer which may or may not be symptomatic. Older people have weaker immune system, higher risk of DNA mutations, longer exposure to sunlight, more fragile DNA components and many other risk factors which promote carcinogenesis. Genetic in this age has just minor role. It has much bigger role in young people so some tumors such as leukemias,lymphomas,
colon and breast cancers are mainly genetically determined so it can be found in younger age. But carcinosarcoma is not one of them.